Organ Mountain News is funded primarily through advertising and donations from people and organizations. We value government transparency and believe we should hold ourselves to the same standard. So, in accordance with our financial contributor policy, we disclose information about all advertising and donations.
Financial Contributor Policy
Organ Mountain News champions government transparency, and we believe that our readers should expect the same level of sunshine from us. That’s why Organ Mountain News discloses the names of donors and advertisers along with the amounts of their contributions and, when possible, their city and state.
Organ Mountain News keeps other information about contributors, such as contact information, confidential. Many people make contributions through PayPal, and Organ Mountain News has no access to credit card or other payment information. Read PayPal’s privacy policy for more information.
Organ Mountain News gives donors and advertisers no control over editorial content. Like anyone else, they may raise concerns about the site’s content, and their concerns will be heard.
Organ Mountain News is published by Organ Mountain News, LLC. Financial contributions are not tax deductible. By donating you agree to be added to our email list, but you’re welcome to opt out by using the link in emails or contacting us.
Thank you for your continued support!